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AAP Refusal of Vaccination Form

Modified AAP Refusal of Vaccination Form

Child’s Name ________________________________________          Child’s ID#____________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name(s)__________________________            _____________________________

My child’s health care provider _____________________________________, has advised me that my child (named above) should receive the following vaccines:

Hepatitis B
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
DT or Td
 Y / N
 Y / N
Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib)
 Y / N
 Y / N
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
 Y / N
 Y / N
Polio vaccine (IPV)
 Y / N
 Y / N
Measles, mumps, rubella MMR-II
 Y / N
 Y / N
Varicella (chickenpox)
 Y / N
 Y / N
Influenza (flu)
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
Hepatitis A
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N
 Y / N

I have read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Information Sheet(s) (VIS) explaining the vaccine(s) and the disease(s) for which each vaccine is intended. I have had the opportunity to discuss this with my child’s health care provider, who has answered all of my questions regarding the recommended vaccine(s).

             I understand the following:
● The intended purpose of the recommended vaccine(s)
● The known risks and suspected benefits of the recommended vaccine(s)
● If my child does not receive the vaccine(s), the consequences may include:
                -Contracting the illness 

                -Suffering from any of the adverse events from the illness
● I understand the need to keep my child at home or in qualified care anytime the child exhibits symptoms of contagious diseases.
● I understand that my health care provider, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all strongly recommended that the vaccine(s) be administered.

I have declined consent for the vaccine(s) recommended for my child, as indicated above, by circling the appropriate mark under the column titled “Declined.”   I know that I may re-address this issue with my health care provider at any time, and that I may change my mind as personal beliefs are subject to evolve and change over time. I acknowledge that I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand it.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________  Date____/_____/____

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________   Date____/_____/____