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2012 National Rally for Change

Each one of us has the power to make a difference in the care for mothers and babies across our nation.

Have you heard of The National Rally for Change? Finally, this was the opportunity! 

Yesterday - across the nation - women, men and children gathered in support of evidence based maternity care. The goal is to reduce the unnecessary induction & unnecessary cesarean rate in the US by bringing awareness to birthing families.

This peaceful event was held all over the country during Empowered Birth Awareness Week - September 3-7th.

This was not a protest – this was a public outreach event located where the vast majority of women give birth-local hospitals.

This was not about natural birth versus medicated birth – this was about women being aware of all the options and making fully informed choices about the safety of their (and their baby’s) care.  

History of the National Rally for Change

The first event from ImprovingBirth dot org was held in December 2011. This was a local rally that brought about great change for a local hospital and mothers attending.

Following the rally, the hospital initiated an in-hospital based Doula program and changed triage guidelines to allow labor support people to join moms when first arriving at the hospital. They also restructured their website moving information about cesarean surgery from top to bottom of the page and started featuring natural birth stories.

Can’t wait till next year!

Pictures from Vuefinder Photography (check out these and other AMAZING photos here:

Speak the truth,
do not yield to anger
If thou art asked for little; by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods.

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