Would I Choose Homebirth Again?

Let me first preface my response with supreme gratitude for two healthy little girls; my first was welcomed in a hospital, under the effects of an epidural and aid with an obstetrician - my second was welcomed at home, naturally with a midwife and my husband.

For me, I deeply believe that birth does matter (for mom, babe and family) and I will defend that. It seems illogical to think contrary.

With that, I can not say that I think every woman should birth at home. I do think the majority of ladies would be better off with midwifery care regardless of where they push (and research confirms this).

I would unquestionably choose a natural birth again and suggest others try for one as well if I was asked my opinion.  

With that, I have to say that am unsure I would choose a homebirth again.

The main reason I would be slightly apprehensive of choosing to deliver my baby at home for a second time is because although CNMs legally practice in all 50 states, I gave birth in one of the handful of states which does not regulate or license Certified Professional Midwives. (The CPM is the only midwifery credential that requires knowledge about and experience in out-of-hospital settings.)

Because of this, I had to find a midwife that would attend a home birth through word of mouth and a few personal testimonies. The midwife I did choose was, in hindsight, was not the ideal option and I am positive I would not use her again.

Two other reasons I might consider home birth less rapidly- one, I would be pushing mid 30’s by then, where I might not be in the same low-risk category. Secondly, the nearest hospital that I would be able to transfer to is about 30 minutes away (and this hospital is known to be very accommodating to more natural labors).  

While I value the ways that obstetrical science has made birth safer for women with high-risk pregnancies, the thought of having another baby in a hospital is not something I would consider easily though.

If I did happen to get pregnant again, still living in this great state of Ohio, I would ideally want to go to a birth center with a midwife and doula.

I have the confidence that I would be able to advocate for myself and my child somewhere other then my home now (whereas I didn’t before) and I think a birth center would be an acceptable environment.

I am appreciative that I was able to have both experiences, in the hospital and at home.

I feel I understand better now then I did before that all women deserve to have access to knowledgeable birth professionals and they should have the ability to make an informed choice about where and how they choose to give birth.

"You are constructing your own reality with the choices you make...or don't make. If you really want a healthy pregnancy and joyful birth, and you truly understand that you are the one in control,
then you must examine what you have or haven't done so far to create the outcome you want."

Kim Wildner-Mother's Intention: How Belief Shapes Birth

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  1. I read your birth story and didn't get the vibe from there that you had any issues with the midwife. I agree that it would be hard to choose a midwife without licensing, though.
    Fortunately we had the option of a birth center 10 minutes away or a homebirth with a CPM. The homebirth (in March) was perfect and I'd definitely do that again if my husband ever agrees to another child. I have fast labors, so I'm so grateful that I have so many close options.
    Just found your blog; I appreciate a lot of your thoughts :)

  2. Thank you Sara!

    My ideal setting would probably be a free standing birth center - you're very lucky if you have one close by!

    Since I did not have that choice - homebirth worked for me ; )


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